Our Top 10 Healthy Treats for Your Kids in School

Healthy treats for school kids

Healthy Treats Can Be Quick and Tasty

Now that the return to school is upon us, it is time to start thinking about healthy snacks to pack in those backpacks and tasty treats for your kids to enjoy after school. Busy parents know that packing a can of Coca-Cola and some sugary sweets is not only bad for kids’ overall health but also for their oral health. 

But what are parents to do when that creativity runs out, or the demands of daily life make it hard to come up with tooth-friendly, tasty, and filling snacks that are easy to prepare? You can turn to Davis Family Dental Care and our suggestions!

Check out these easy-to-prepare, tooth-friendly school snacks that are tasty and filling!

Packing healthy and tooth-friendly school snacks doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. When you plan ahead and are open to a bit of prep work, healthy treats can be easy to make. And you’ll be pleased with how much your school-aged student will love their healthy treats. Take a look a these school snack ideas.

1. String cheese 

This snack doesn’t require any prep work at all. With a quick trip to the grocery store and back, you can have a package of string cheese with single servings all at the ready. Dairy products like string cheese are not only good for your teeth but full of protein too, which means they’ll help keep that tummy full for hours to come.

2. Cottage cheese

Since cottage cheese can be left out for up to two hours, it’s a great protein-rich morning snack for kids that can snack before lunchtime. It is also a refreshing yet filling after school snack.

3. Hard-boiled eggs

These are another great snack when they can be kept cold. Hard-boiled eggs can sit out at room temperature for up to two hours but are easy to pack in a cold pack, making them last long enough to be packed for lunchtime too.

4. Blueberries

Long known as a superfruit, blueberries are chock full of nutrients that protect teeth against bacteria that causes tooth decay. Blueberries are high in potassium and vitamin C, making them a top choice by your child’s doctor and dentist too.

5. Nuts and seeds

Homemade trail mix is a great option to help keep your child full and satisfied. Not only that, but nuts and seeds are high in protein too. Avoid the temptation to buy pre-packaged trail mixes, though, as these can be high in sugars and sodium. Plan and make your recipe at home instead. (Just be sure to check with your child’s school if snacks with nuts are permissible!) Check out these recipes for healthy trail mix or this nut-free trail mix alternative.

6. Build-your-own ants on a log

Kids love creative snacks. Since building ants-on-a-log in advance could make your kids lunch bag a bit messy, pack the items they need to do it on their own. Slice up a stalk or two of celery, scoop up some peanut butter, and grab a handful of raisins. Pack each item in its own easy-to-open container and let your kid decorate or dip their own ants-on-a-log to their heart’s content.

7. Popcorn

What kid doesn’t love some popcorn? And this treat doesn’t have to be laden with butter and salt either. Popcorn is delicious even with low amounts of butter and salt. Or, make up some plain popcorn at home and try a topping alternative such as buttermilk ranch seasoning or taco seasoning. Just make sure that your child is flossing before bed to remove any kernels that might have become wedged between the teeth and gums. 

8. Banana oat cookies 

What could be better than cookies that have chocolate chips and bananas… and are good for your kiddos too? These banana nut cookies are easy to make, as they only require three ingredients – oatmeal, bananas, and chocolate chips! Each cookie only has about 50 calories, and since bananas and oatmeal are both rich in nutrients, it makes them a win-win.

9. Turkey and avocado roll-ups

If you are looking for a hearty yet more creative school snack, then why not serve your child a turkey and avocado roll-up as part of their school lunch? Turkey contains protein which is good for your child’s brain and ability to learn and retain all the cool stuff they are learning in school. And avocado contains heart-healthy fats plus fiber, folate, pantothenic acid, potassium, vitamins C and K, and plenty of antioxidants.

10. Pickles

We all want healthy kids, and pickles are a great snack for kids who love that crunch and salty taste. But some pickles can be high in sodium, so be on the lookout for low-sodium options when checking out the pickle selection at your local grocery store. You can also make your own low-sodium pickles at home.

Healthy treats for your child’s school snacks don’t have to be difficult.

Your Bedford, Texas, family dentist understands how busy parents can get. But we all all know that healthy kids are a priority. We’re hopeful that some of our suggestions might make it easier to prepare those healthy treats in advance. Did you come up with another idea? We’d love to hear about it on Facebook or at your child’s next dental cleaning and oral examination. 

And if that appointment isn’t on the calendar yet, be sure to request an appointment today. We look forward to seeing you and your child and sharing in their enthusiasm for back to school.