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General Dentists

What Types of Treatments Do General Dentists Provide?

General Dentists provide services to diagnose, treat, and maintain your oral health. Our office specializes in general dentistry, and this includes preventative, corrective, and restorative treatment for patients. Our general dental care services allow us to remove any decay or disease from your teeth and gums. We preserve your natural teeth and keep you looking…
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small cavities

Can Small Cavities Heal By Themselves?

If you have a cavity and are reluctant to call your dentist, you may be hoping the cavity will just heal itself. A cavity is tooth decay that causes a hole in the tooth. If cavities are not treated more serious issues can develop. At Davis Family Dental Care, it is important to take care…
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general dentistry

How Can I Fix a Gummy Smile?

Do you notice when you smile you see gum tissue more than your teeth? This is known as a gummy smile, and many patients are bothered by how their smile looks. There are treatment options to correct a gummy smile, and we are here to help you find a treatment that works best. What Can…
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Teeth Whitening

Does Teeth Whitening Cause any Dental Problems?

Teeth Whitening treatments are popular for patients that have tooth discoloration, or for those that just want a brighter smile. Whitening your teeth can be done safely and there are several options to choose from. If the directions are followed patients can successfully whiten their teeth with no side effects. Teeth whitening boosts self-confidence, can…
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Cosmetic Dentistry

What is the Most Permanent Teeth Whitening Procedure?

Choosing to whiten your teeth is a way to brighten your smile and boost confidence. Many patients look for a process that lasts the longest and requires minimal maintenance going forward. Teeth whitening options include in office whitening systems, systems you take home given to you by your dentist, and over the counter treatments. Talking…
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Dental Implant

Are Dental Implants Noticeable?

If you have missing, damaged, or broken teeth and are looking for the perfect restoration solution, dental implants may be the right choice for you. Dental Implants are a permanent solution and are durable and long lasting. Implants function like natural teeth, and allow patients to speak and eat normally. Implants are comfortable and do…
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What Should I Look For When Choosing a Cosmetic Dentist?

Cosmetic dentists can help enhance or improve the appearance of your teeth, gums, and jaw. If you are unhappy with your smile, or have cracked, broken, or misshapen teeth, finding a good cosmetic dentist is important. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on the overall appearance of your smile. This includes the color, shape, size, and position of…
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family dentistry

Should I Brush or Floss First?

Creating an oral hygiene routine at home is important to help maintain your oral health and keep your teeth and gums feeling great. Brushing and flossing each day is extremely important, and the order in which you do these two items is a common question. Many wonder which way gives the most benefit. Is Brushing…
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oral health

Are There any Differences Between Mouth Washes?

Mouthwash is used to help rinse away bacteria or food particles after you brush and floss each day. Using mouthwash is an additional way to help protect your teeth and gums. Knowing the differences between mouthwashes can help you choose the right one to incorporate into your oral hygiene routine. What Are The Different Types…
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family dentistry

How Can I Reduce My Costs for Dental Care?

Dental care can be costly, and simple procedures can even run up your bill. Caring for your teeth is necessary to keep your oral and general health in check. Many people have no dental benefits at all, or if they retire their benefits are lost. Skipping dental care is not an option, and can lead…
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